How is a coach selected?
Selection of coaches for International tournaments is up to each individual parent.
Having a coach, while recommended, is not mandatory.
Internet access is sometimes unpredictable at various tournament locations and timezone differences can make Internet coaching problematic.
Flights, accommodation and tuition for a private coach is prohibitively expensive for a lot of families so it is recommended that the team consider selecting a team coach. If a team coach is selected you do not have to participate. It is advisable to get clear agreement from everybody before making a final selection.
Some events provide free accommodation for one team coach. If multiple coaches are coming then the financial benefit of free accommodation should be distributed to each coach on the basis of number of students. For example in the scenario where there are 6 players, 1 coach for 4 of them, one player has their own coach and another uncoached then the coach with 4 students will be attributed with 80% of the financial benefit, the coach with one player with 20% and the uncoached player no financial benefit from the free accommodation.